The efficacy of legislation as a tool for economic empowerment: the case of Zambia and South Africa

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Ngulube, Chibuye Mbesuma
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Poverty the levels have been quite high in our country in the past years. This paper attempts to identify the relationship between legislation and economic empowerment of citizens both in Zambia and South Africa. In order to address this problem measures have been taken by the citizen economic empowerment commissions in both countries with the help of their governments. This research discusses effective measures which can be put in place to empower our citizens and^ombat poverty. Chapter one is an introduction to the research. It elaborates the statement problem as well as the objectives and significance of the study. the Chapter two discusses Economic Empowerment in Detail-the implementation and Enforcement laws. It further analyzes whether the Black Economic Empowerment and Citizen Economic Empowerment Acts are effective tools for economic empowerment. It will also highlight (if any) the provisions of the Acts that are discriminatory to people not targeted by the Acts and otherjslated matters. Chapter four disicusses achievements of Economic Empowerment Acts. It makes a comparison with other developing countries were such acts have been in existence for a longer time. Chapter five contains the criticism, conclusion, and recommendations
Law and economic development