Human rights as a response to HIV/AIDS

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Chimwemwe, Sitali E.
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HIV/AIDS is as much a disease of society as it is a disease of the body. Not only does invade the body's immune system, but it feeds off and further exacerbates pre-existing human rights violations in society such as gender inequality and socio-economic exclusion and deprivation. Chapter one goes on to give an overview of the meaning of human rights and the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights which are found in international law, through treaties and declaration. Other useful tools which contain useful standards on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights are also discussed. Chapter two looks at the different vulnerable groups affected by HIV/AIDS. The most vulnerable groups some being women, children, sex workers, injection drug users, refugees and migrants, prisoners. Will also try to examine how the status of women in society has made the so vulnerable to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We will also try to look at how these groups can be helped to realize their civil and political, and economical, social and cultural rights. Chapter three discusses the criminalisation of HIV/AIDS, when criminalisation can be warranted; we also look at the alternatives to criminal law, the need to punish harmful conduct and the concerns about miscarriage of justice. Chapter four discusses the challenges to a Human Rights based approach to HIV/AIDS, which are disclosure and routine testing. Chapter five is the conclusion and recommendations.
human rights--Zambia , AIDS(disease)--law and legislation--Zambia