Effects of guidance and counselling services on students’ interpersonal, study, vocational and problem-solving skills in selected public universities in Zambia.

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Ndhlovu, Daniel
Tuchili, Abigail
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International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)
This paper is an extract from an on-going PhD study. The paper is guided by the objective which sought to investigate whether students who received guidance and counselling services perform better than their counterparts who did not in regard to development of interpersonal, study, vocational and problem-solving skills. In order to establish relationship between the two groups of students, a correlational design was used, with a sample of 105. In-depth interview guides, focus group discussions and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data. Thematic analysis and SPSS were used to analyse the data. The study found that there was statistically significant difference between students who received guidance and counselling services and those who did not. In conclusion, the paper argues that students who received guidance and counselling services were better developed in interpersonal, study, vocational and problem-solving skills than their counterparts in the control group. On the basis of these findings, the study recommends that there is need to encourage all students in public universities to access guidance and counselling for them to develop interpersonal, study, vocational and problem-solving skills.
Journal article
Guidance and counselling services, , interpersonal.