Understanding the sources, application and enhancement of information communication and technology (ICT) application in the management of selected secondary schools in Lusaka district.

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Chilufya, Mbambino Moira
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The University of Zambia
This study attempted to understand the sources, application and enhancement of ICT in the management of selected secondary schools in Lusaka District, to establish the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) tools that have been adopted by school administrators in the performance of their day to day responsibilities. The study employed an exploratory mixed-method design in which qualitative and quantitative data was analysed. In this approach, interview guides and questionnaires were used to collect data from the sample population of two hundred and four (204) respondents, comprising Six (6) Head Teachers, six (6) Deputy Head Teachers, six (6) Careers and Guidance Teachers, six (6) Stores Officers and six (6) Accounts Officers; one (1) from each of the selected schools. Others were twenty-four (24) Heads of Department; that is six (6) from each of the selected schools and one hundred and fifty (150) teachers randomly sampled from the selected schools. This comprised twenty-five (25) teachers from each of the six selected secondary schools. The findings seemed to suggest that ICT was being applied and was well integrated into schools and particularly for school management purposes. The study also established that the prominently used sources of ICT in secondary schools were cell phones, the internet, laptops, photocopying machines and printers. The study also found that ICT was mostly used for planning purposes, typing tests, pupil record management, communication and writing reports. The study further established that the enhancement of ICT application in the management of secondary schools was being achieved through the procurement of more computers to add on to what schools already had and the provision of free WIFI to members of staff. With the increase in the number of computers, more teachers would have easy access to ICT tools in secondary schools which would, in turn, increase ICT application. The study, among other recommendations, implored all school administrators and teachers to increase their knowledge in the application of ICT so that they could fully utilise it when executing their duties.
Information technology--Study and teaching (Higher).