Assessment of factors that perpetuate pupil absenteeism in rural primary schools in Nyimba district, Zambia.

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Muyatwa, Foster Kabanga
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The University of Zambia
The study assessed factors that perpetuate pupil absenteeism in rural primary schools in Nyimba district. The objectives to: establish the causes of pupil absenteeism; identify ways in which pupil absenteeism affected teaching and learning process; ascertain home and school interventions to curb pupil absenteeism in rural primary schools in Nyimba district. A descriptive research design which was supported by qualitative methods of data collection was used in the study. Interview Guides and Focus Group Discussions were used to collect data from a purposively sampled population of forty two (42) study participants comprising of six (6) guidance teachers and thirty six (36) pupils. The study used Thematic Analysis to analyze data, where common themes were identified, grouped for easy interpretation and presented using verbatim based on the research objectives. The study indentified ways in which absentism affected the teaching and learning processes by creating poor performance, fostering indiscipline, insufficient comprehension of concepts and the difficulties experienced by teachers. Intervenetions to curb pupil absenteeism were ascertained calling for parents, teachers and all stakeholders in education to make firm decisions to stop absenteeism among the learners by avoiding early marriages, fostering colaboration and being flexible in time management. The study therefore, recommended that school administrators should take keen interest in providing careers talk to learners through invitation of significant people in society to share experiences with learners. Schools should engage in constructive sensitization of parents against early marriages in order to curtail absenteeism in primary schools, parents should utilise PTA platforms to sensitize each other on the importance of education, promote traditional ceremonies like chinamwali during the holidays and week ends. The study also recommended that Ministry of General Education should consider building more schools in rural areas to alleviate the problem of long distances learners cover daily, harsh punishments and measures should be meted out to men who marry or impregnate school going children.
School attendance--Zambia. , School attendance--Zambia--Statistics. , School enrollment--Zambia.