The impact of motivation on employee performance in an organization: case study of Zambia Airports Corporation limited, Lusaka.

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Chanda, Mutale Jimmy
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The University of Zambia
Today's reality is that people influence important aspects of organizational performance in a multitude of ways. If an organization is to treat its employees as its most important asset, it has to be knowledgeable about what it is that motivates people to reach their full potential. Understanding employee perspectives and measuring their motivation and performance factors are critical to an organization's success. Gbadamosi (2003) states how dynamic people are and that for any organization to be effective and provide a satisfactory environment for its workers, attention has to be paid to both personal and work needs of each and every individual in the organization. This study was aimed at assessing the impact of motivation on the performance of employees in the aviation industry in Zambia. It was a qualitative research study that offered an in-depth explanation of the phenomenon under investigation as well as generated information related to job performance and motivation. The study considered one major Zambian Aviation Organization, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited situated at The Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA). The research instruments used were questionnaires, both general interviews and interviews with key informants as well as secondary data to gather data for the study. The study revealed that the performance of aviation staff is affected by factors that contribute to job satisfaction such as a meaningful job, remuneration, working conditions and relationships with superiors and colleagues. It was established that aviation staff are highly motivated by their salaries as well as the flexibility of the work schedule as they can be given time for training to further their development. The study also found that the factors that made aviation staff to move from the aviation industry were; good working environment and conditions of service, salaries, advancement of studies and other incentives such as job security and bonuses. Furthermore, training and development of any organizational human resource is one of the key motivating strategies among employees. Over and above, monetary incentives and the work environment have proved to be the most pulling effect for staff motivation in the aviation industry as staff are more interested in the allowance they receive. As such it can be concluded that situation factors motivate people the most. As for the recommendation from the research the following can be considered: In the area of staff effectiveness and performance, staff reported that an effective measure was needed to assess staff performance and effectiveness. A performance evaluation instrument is needed to assess staff performance. Incentive, merit pay, and pay-for-performance pay literature indicated that building level incentive pay also is important. Management should explore methods of rewarding entire staffs for improved service delivery achieved. Staff performance standards as they relate to effective practices should also be considered in establishing criteria for incentive pay. Fincham and Rhodes (2005) identified direct instructional variables that consistently related to staff achievement. Lazear (1999) identified the characteristics of a good staff. Staff effectiveness research should be a part of identifying the criteria by which incentive pay is administered.
Employee motivation. , Organizational behavior. , Organizational effectiveness. , Manpower planning. , Employee performance.