Lived experiences of road traffic accident victims on rehabilitation counselling at a selected orthopedic hospital in Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Ndhlovu, Daniel
Ndhlovu, Mutinta
Mandyata, Joseph
Chikopela, Rose
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The paper presents experiences of road accidents victims in terms of the rehabilitation counselling they received. An interpretative phenomenological design was used. To this effect, twenty participants were interviewed. The results indicated that rehabilitation counselling was viewed to be very important in helping the victims of road traffic accidents to live and cope with life after an accident. Although the victims acknowledged the importance of rehabilitation counselling they received, most of them experienced the need for qualified rehabilitation counsellors. In addition, victims needed counsellors to talk to them when they were in hospital ward or during hospital reviews. Participants added that they experienced inadequate supportive aids. Based on the findings, there was need that the Ministry of Health formulates a policy for every hospital to have trained rehabilitation counsellors. Additionally, the hospital should ensure that victims of road traffic accident have access to walking aids such as wheel chairs, artificial limbs, orthoses, and crutches to ensure that they are accorded an opportunity to live a meaningful life.
Rehabilitation counselling
Mutinta Cholwe Ndhlovu, Rose Chikopela, Joseph Mandyata, Daniel Ndhlovu (2021). Global Scientific Journals. V9 (10) pp2410-24www.globalscientificjournal.com2. 2. ISSN 2320-9196.