Assessing the usage of e-government systems in Zambia: a government employee perspective

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Mukanu, Grace Mauka
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University of Zambia
The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) is transforming the way it interacts and delivers services to citizens, businesses and across government departments and agencies by bringing government closer to the people and making service delivery more friendly, efficient, convenient, transparent, and cost effective through the implementation of e-Government. e-Government is grouped in three distinct classifications; government to government (G2G), government to citizens (G2C), and government to businesses (G2B). Studies have shown that e-Government systems are focusing on dealings with citizens, or systems that interact with G2C. Further, citizens get the widest range of services from e-Government systems. This study focused on G2G of e-Government and further the attention was on the e-Government systems perspective. The study assessed the usage of e-Government systems in the Zambian government, a government employee perspective. Specifically, the study assessed the utilization of e-Government Systems by government employees. The DeLone and McLean model used in this study was modified to create an e-Government Systems Assessment Model. An online questionnaire was distributed to 30 line ministries targeting government employees in Lusaka who use e-Government systems. The findings of the study confirmed that System Quality was the most valued among the quality dimensions. System Quality and Information Quality had a huge impact on User Satisfaction. The study found that Service Quality did not meet User Satisfaction. The study discovered that Use/Intention to Use of the e-Government systems by government employees was moderate. Overall, the respondents were moderately satisfied with e-Government systems. This study has contributed to the body of knowledge by extending the Information Systems (IS) success model for Zambia’s civil service use to include a construct Change Management and testing it in the utilisation of e-Government systems. Firstly, the study reveals that Change Management is affected by System Quality, Information Quality and Service Quality. Secondly, Change Management impacts Use/Intention to Use and User Satisfaction. Finally, the study integrated and analysed effects of the quality dimensions on Change Management and effects of Change Management on Use/Intention to Use and User Satisfaction. Keywords: e-Government Systems Assessment Model, Information Quality, Service Quality, System Quality
e-Government systems--Zambia