An Evaluation of the Communication Strategies used by the Anti-corruption commission of Zambia to raise awareness on corruption in members of the public as a way of preventing corruption in Zambia

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Mzumara-Mwanza, Dorothy
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The main objective of the study was to evaluate communication strategies used by the A n ti-Corruption Commission to raise awareness of corruption among members of the public as a way of preventing the scourge.Corruption is a vice that negatively impacts on the delivery of basic services and goods to members of the public, especially the poor. It deters potential investment, thereby hindering the consolidation of democracy. Studies have shown that the most devastating effects of the scourge are on the weak economies of developing countries such as Zambia. It wastes resources by distorting Government policies against the interests of the majority who are denied proper access to public goods and services. This report provides findings of the research and an account of the experiences and observations of the researcher during the practical attachment to the Community Education Department of the Anti-Corruption Commission Headquarters i n Lusaka. The goal of the department is to raise public awareness of corruption as a way of preventing the scourge. The purpose of the attachment was to learn and contribute to the communication processes and strategies used by the A C C in an effort to curb corruption. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected through the use of two types of questionnaires, one administered to members of the public and the other to community education officers of the ACC. Data collection through questionnaires was supplemented by interviews and observations made by the researcher during the attachment. Data was analyzed by use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and this is how the findings were arrived at.The results revealed a number of cardinal points which are to be considered by the ACC in the design and implementation of messages for their target adopters. For instance, it was revealed that the ACC research the information for their target adopters without researching the target adopters.It is hoped that the report will enlighten the A C C community education officers on the perceptions members of the public have on corruption and the awareness activities offered so that they can improve their communication strategies i n order to reach out to all members of the public as a way of inducing positive change. The report also hopes to enlighten them on the weaknesses revealed so that they can learn from them i n order to design quality message content and use appropriate communication channels that can benefit members of the public who are their target adopters. Finally, it is hoped that the research will provide feed-back to the ACC, the initiators of corruption awareness activities, and the nation as a whole.
Communication Strategies , Communication Strategies---Anti-Corruption Commission---Zambia