The challenges of visually impaired learners in the mainstream schools of Lesotho

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Macheli, Mantoa
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This study was aimed at investigating the challenges of visually impaired (VI) learners in the mainstream schools of Lesotho. This aim was achieved by reviewing relevant literature with the purpose of finding out what the authorities regard as the challenges of visually impaired pupils in the mainstreams.Empirical research was also conducted in order to elicit VI learners, sighted learners and their teacher's views about the challenges the VI learners encounter in the mainstream. Also considering the importance of Quality Education for All, they were to indicate whether adequate arrangements were made prior integrating the VI learners in the regular school system.The study revealed that the mainstream curricular was not responding to the needs and interests of the VI learners. Teachers were also not adequately trained to teach VI learners in the regular system. Further more, there was insufficient teaching and learning resources to assist the VI learners to learn smoothly in the system.On the basis of these findings, recommendations were made so that due attention could be given to issues of concern by the relevant powers. It is hoped that this study will be an invaluable contribution to the improvement of education, particularly special education in Lesotho.
Visually handicapped children , Visually handicapped children -- Lesotho