Civic entrepreneurship: the implementation of civic innovations in the governance of the university of Zambia.

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Muleya, Gistered
Mupeta, Sydney
Kanyamuna, Vincent
Simui, Francis
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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(7) 674-685.
This research paper explores and interrogates the intricacies surrounding the implementation of civic innovations in the governance of public universities with the focus on the University of Zambia. This research employed qualitative case study design which culminated into the use of semi-structured interviews to generate data from 15 participants who were purposively sampled using snowball and convenient sampling. Document review and analysis was used in the generation of data. Data analysis was done on the basis of themes that emerged from the study. The research findings revealed that the university receives a lot of support from various interested stakeholders in the implementation of civic innovations. The study further indicated that the implementation of civic innovations was embedded in the strategies of the university as stipulated in the university strategic plan (2018-2022). The study also revealed that the university carries out sensitization programmes in the implementation of civic innovations. The study, therefore, recommends that the University of Zambia should be inclusive in approach during the planning and implementation of civic innovations through the involvement of various relevant stakeholders.
Civic Innovations. , Civic Entrepreneurship. , Public Universities. , Monitoring. , Evaluation.