The contribution of Mukanzubo cultural research institute to the promotion of the Tonga religious and cultural heritage

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Chipembele, Siamongwa Edgar
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of Mukanzubo Cultural Research Institute (MCRI) to the promotion of the Tonga religious and cultural heritage. The objects of the study were: to investigate the contribution of the MCRI to the promotion of Tonga religious and cultural heritage; to explore the traditional and social values taught at MCRI and lastly to assess the views of the traditional leaders on the contribution of the MCRI to the promotion of the Tonga religious and cultural heritage. The theory that guided this study is the socialisation theory. It is through socialisation that the customs and traditions in each culture are passed on from one generation to the other. The study employed qualitative approach, research design used was phenomenology. The research instruments used were the interview guide, focus group discussion guide and observation checklist. The targeted population of the study comprised of the traditional leaders, the religious leader, and staff of the MCRI, parents of student at MCRI, former and current students from the institute. The researcher used purposive sampling procedure to select the sample and snow-ball sampling was employed to get to the intended respondents with the same characteristics under the study. The study revealed that the Tonga religious and cultural heritage was manifested and expressed in symbols such as the artefacts and musical instruments displayed in the museum. Further the study established that the promotion of the Tonga religious and cultural heritage was through traditional school, religious place of worship, traditional dances, songs and book publications. The study recommends that MCRI should extend the enrolment of children to boys so that they equally share and appreciate the rich cultural values taught at the cultural institute. The study also recommends that the institute should engage a large number of student enrolment in order to serve the core mission of transferring of the Tonga religion and culture across generation.
Tonga religious and cultural heritage--Zambia