Competition in television broadcasting: analysing the independent broacasting authority(Amendment)ACT 2010

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Lipimile, Kapelwa Samuel
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This study is an analysis of whether the Independent Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 2010 promotes fair competition the television broadcasting industry. The study applies a combination of critical analysis of the act, theories of regulation of media broadcasting as an analytical framework, and employs document analysis and case studies as methods. The study finds that in relation to promoting fair competition the television broadcasting industry, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 2010 is to a large degree ineffective in the regulatory practices it employs to promote fair competition in the television broadcasting industry. The study identifies a number of weaknesses in the Independent Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 2010, which include its failure to define key anticompetitive practices for the television broadcasting industry. In addition, a lack of clarity of mandate between competing regulators and powers regarding the regulation of competition in the television broadcasting industry, as well as a lack of adequate resources, has led to ineffective regulatory practices. The study also finds that the Independent Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 2010 provisions in general are characterized by a lack of proactive regulation in several areas. In this regard, the study demonstrates that Independent Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 2010 has a regulatory practice that can be characterized as being ineffective in regards to the regulation of competition the television broadcasting industry. Finally the study makes recommendations for the strengthening of the Independent Broadcasting Authority so that it becomes in an effective regulator functioning in the public interest.
Television broadcasing--law and legislation--Zambia , Competition,unfair--Independent Broadcasting Authority--Zambia