Effect of feeding Aloe Vera and propolis on egg production and egg size in commercial layers

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Mpandamwike, Mulenga Mundia
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University of Zambia
Two studies involving Goldline/ Bovine Nera layers were conducted to investigate the effect of Propolis and Aloe vera on egg size and production. In the first study 144 layers (36 weeks old) were randomly allotted in equal numbers to four treatments in a completely randomized design (CRD), which involved feeding commercial layers marsh in combination with Propolis and Aloe vera administered in drinking water as follows: 1- layers fed commercial layer's feed only (CONTl); 2- layers fed commercial layer's feed + Aloe vera (ALOEl); 3- layers fed commercial layer's feed + Propolis (PROP) and 4- layers fed commercial layer's feed + Aloe vera + Propolis (ALOEPROP). Both Propolis and Aloe vera were administered at 2 mg/kg body weight, and 100 g of feed was given per bird on a daily basis. The study lasted three weeks. The second study involved 144 Goldline/ Bovine Nera commercial layers (40 weeks old) allotted to two treatments as follows: 1-layers fed commercial layer's feed only (CONT2) and 2-layers fed commercial layer's feed + Aloe vera (ALOE2). The same dosage of Aloe vera and quantity of feed were given as in the first study. The study lasted for six weeks. In both studies eggs were collected on a daily basis, counted and weighed. Two way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and T- test were respectively applied to determine the effects of different treatments in study 1 and study 2 using Genstat. Separation of means was analyzed using Duncan's Multiple Range test. Study 1 showed that the ALOEPROP layers laid more eggs (P<0.001) than the CONTl, ALOEl and PROP layers. Egg producfion was also highest in the ALOEPROP layers (P<0.001). However no significant differences were observed in relation to egg weight (P=0.730) in all the treatments. In study 2 results showed significant differences (P=0.75) between the C0NT2 and AL0E2 layers in the number of eggs collected and producfion. At (P<0.001) differences were also observed in the egg weight between the CONT2 and ALOE2. It can be concluded that Aloe vera influenced the increase in the number of eggs collected and egg production and little if any influence came from Propolis. Study 2 recorded an increase in egg weight when the control was compared to the Aloe vera group which was not so in the first study. This could have been because the second study was done over a long period of time to see effects.
Students Project Report
Chickens-feeds and feeding , Poultry Industry