Facters Influencing Partner Notification of HIV Status by Pregnant Women After Undergoing Routine HIV Testing at Antenatal Clinics in Kalomo Urbarn District

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Maureen, M. Masumo
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Kalomo District Health management report revealed lack of partner notification of HIV status among pregnant women to their sexual partners. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence disclosure among the pregnant women undergoing routine HIV testing at antenatal clinic.A cross sectional, descriptive quantitative study was conducted in Kalomo urban Distrct in five health centres. The study population included 350 pregnant women in child bearing age who were tested for HIV and knew their results. At each clinic women who came for antenatal and met the criteria were listed. To arrive at a sample of 120 every 3"* woman on the sampling frame was selected as a sample unit. The data was collected using a structured interview schedule.The data was analysed using SPSS and Chi square, p values equal or less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Most of the respondents 87 were married and 33 were single. The results indicated that 65.5% (57) respondents who were married were able to notify their partners (p value 0.0001, significant). Most respondents 70.2% (33) who had been in a relationship for a period of 5 years and more notified their partners of their HIV status (p value 0.008, significant). The study revealed that 65.3% (62) respondents who discussed sexual matters with their sexual partners were able to notify their partners about their HIV status (p value 0.000, significant). Majority 85.7% of the respondents who had a discussion on HIV testing with their partners prior to testing notified their partners (p value 0.000, significant). Majority 95% (39) of the respondents who were aware of the partners HIV status were able to notify their partners (p value 0.000, significant).These findings suggest a need for psychosocial counsellors to use these factors to assess and identify women who are likely to disclose their HIV status to their partners and those who are likely to face problems and help them.Key words: - Partner notification, HIV status, Pregnant women, Routine HIV testing, Antenatal Clinic.
HIV--Zambia , Antenatal Clinic , Pregnant women , Routine HIV testing