Nondestructive techniques in instrumental neutron activation analysis
Chisela, Frank
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The need to determine constituent elements in materials so as to meet various technological demands in many fields is of an extreme importance. This work is an attempt to establish the efficacy of using non-destructive neutron activation methods based on instrumental gamma-ray spectrometry for the determination of elements in a number of selected materials. Essential aspects of both conventional (i.e. delay) and neutron capture gamma-ray (i.e. "prompt") activation analysis are discussed. Application of the conventional mode is demonstrated in the analysis of Reference Materials and hair samples using short-lived isotopes. Seven chemical compounds are analyzed via neutron capture gamma-ray determination and the detection limits of seven elements of interest (i.e. Cu, Mg, Fe, Na, S, Mn, Ca) calculated based on the matrix counts produced by the 5 Ci Am/Be neutron source.
Results obtained are compared with literature data where available and are found to agree reasonably well within experimental errors.
Nuclear activation analysis.