A study to determine factors contributing to high incidences of sexually trnsmitted infections among the youths in kabwata township.
Chanda, Banabas.
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Sexually transmitted infections may be contracted by anyone who is sexually active regardless of their age, sex and socio-economical standing. However, these infections are more common among the youths who are not only sexually active but also engage in high risk behavior, for instance alcohol consumption, drug abuse and having more than one sexual partner.
STIs are on the increase among the youths in Kabwata Township. Review of the Kabwata health center records of the year 2005 shows that there has been an increase of sexually transmitted infection among young people from 48.2% in 2004 to 55.8% in 2005 (Health Centre Records, 2005).
The aim of this study was to determine factors contributing to high incidence of STIs among the youths in Kabwata.
The literature review in this study covered the aspects of the topic under study from the global, regional and national perspectives. The study was conducted at Kabwata health centre which is one of the densely populated areas in the capital Lusaka. The health centre was selected from a total of 23 other urban health centers in the city due to its proximity to the researcher's residence.
In this study a descriptive cross sectional and non-experimental research design was used. The study population in this study was the youths residing in Kabwata catchment area, while the target groups were the youths aged between 10 and 30 years, who were visiting Kabwata health centre seeking medical attention, attending antenatal clinic or visiting the youth friendly services.
The sample consisted of fifty (50) respondents who were both male and female youths. Data collection was done using an interview schedule. The researcher analyzed the data manually with the help of an electronic calculator. Data collected was sorted out to ensure completeness, responses were verified while in the field, coded and entered on the data master sheet.
The age range of the respondents was between 10 and 30 years. The study revealed that the age group of 17-20 years is the most sexually active and had more than one sexual partner. To compound this issue, consistent condom use with high-risky groups remain low making the youths of Kabwata to be very vulnerable to contracting STIs including HIV virus..
The study also shows that there are gaps between the knowledge and sexual behaviors among the youths necessary to curb the spread of STIs.
sexually transmitted diseases. , sexually transmitted diseases --kabwata township,Lusaka. , youth --sexual behaviour --kabwata township,Lusaka.