A probe into the public health:the incident of the development of squatter settlements vi-a-vis the law.

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Chilukutu, Paul
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This paper focuses on the development of squatter settlements as a factor that has impacted negatively on public health. • The problem of unauthorized residential settlements has been an eye sore for quite sometime. The emergence of these slums triggers numerous problems such as illegal invasion of land, the erection of in-hygienic dwellings around urban areas, the illegal water and electricity connections and inhibition of planned use of land. The problem has been persistent despite the government taking measures to avert the problem. • This expose probes into the continued mushrooming of the squatter settlements in urban areas of Zambia. The lay out of the paper is as follows: • Chapter one delves in the genesis and development of squatter settlements in the urban areas of Zambia. • Chapter two deals with the colonial government's reaction to the growth of the unplanned settlements in the urban areas of Zambia. The response came by way of the introduction of a housing policy. The paper in this respect evaluates the adequacy of the colonial housing policy in a bid to eliminate the squatter problem during the colonial era. Chapter three explores the process of change in the housing policy adopted by the new African Government at independence. This change involved a departure from the colonial housing policy. The paper also evaluates the adequacy of the housing policy in the elimination of the squatter settlements. Chapter four covers the conclusion which is mainly the advancement of policy recommendations that could help eradicate the squatter problem.
4th year Student Report
Squatter Settlements , Public Health