Mo S H A Di :Shape-Shifting Human Addressable Digital Money

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Chishala, Matete Mpundu
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MoSHADi is a technologically centred approach to the money system intending to preserve the role of financial institutions and appointed authorities in the transition towards digital economies. It is designed around various means for users to define what money is to them but retaining the fundamental properties of money to the system in control. A major focus is on the layer whose purpose is to facilitate means of describing, accessing and utilising monetary value and the layers allowing value to flow securely, distinctly and efficiently over supporting digital communications network. The concept picks up from conventional aspects of money, both the physical and current electronic kind, and relying on the existence of regular objects, mechanisms and user defined patterns to render and carry value. The ability to assume various tangible and intangible forms achieves the form or shape-shifting property, adding an aspect of personalisation and inspiring pride in money ownership by allowing users to define what form or pattern constitutes the value of their money. While seemingly placing user interests at the centre from the surface of it, the system, to degree, indirectly encourages hard work to earn money and spending it to keep value in circulation in a transparent way and so bringing the interests of an entire financial system into perspective.
Electronic Commerce , Technological Innovations , MoSHADi