Trends in Public Recurrent Expenditure in Zambia 1964-1982
Chimbwayinga, Josiah Simunza
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Trends in public recurrent expenditures in Zambia 1964-82, This research project will examine the main determinants of the ratio and changes in the ratio of public recurrent expenditures to GNP on both the
aggregate and disaggrepate functional levels. The hypothesis is that the
institutional reforms, level of economic development and population factors
have contributed to the increase in the ratio of public recurrent expenditures
to GNP. The research project will further examine the patterns or main
features of these expenditure ratios in terms of their degree of centralisation
and stability. On centralisation the hypothesis postulated is that
centralisation is a function of GNP per capita and the population growth
rate. On stability the research project will examine the relationship
between the stability of expenditure ratios and the fluctuations in the
GNP per capita and the population growth rate. The hypothesis postulated
is that the stability of the expenditure ratios is a function of the
fluctuations in the GNP per capita, population growth rate and other
economic development indicators,
In order to carry out the task outlined above the study design employed
will be on the level of hypothesis-testing. The inductive model building
technique will be used to explore the determinants and the main features of
the ratios of public recurrent expenditures. The time series multiple
regression analysis will mainly be used. The dependent variables are the
.ratios of public recurrent expenditures to GNP, centralisation ratio and
the coefficients of variations of the public recurrent expenditures to GNP
ratios. The explanatory variables are the economic development indicators,.
The estimated coefficients of the explanatory variables will be tested by
the regression technique and determined whether they are significant or not.
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On the basis of the tested and significant coefficients of the
explanatory variables some explanatory/predictive public recurrent
expenditure and stability models for Zambia will be suggested both on the
aggregate and the disaggregate functional levels.
Public Expenditure--Zambia , Budgeting--Zambia