Factors associated with home delivery among expectant mothers in Mikata rural health centre catchment area in Mpongwe district.
Chityaka, Francis.
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The research was necessitated by the fact that despite the Health Centre having skilled staff and a maternity wing, most expectant mothers living near and far from the Health Centre alike, the problem of home delivery is still common place.
Literature review showed that planned births, cultural reasons, quality of care, women's autonomy, distance to health facility and lack of skilled attendants were some of the factors associated with home deliveries.
An exploratory quantitative non-international study design was used. A Pilot study was carried out at Kanyenda Rural Health Centre before conducting the actual study. A total sample of 50 respondents was selected using systematic sampling method. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview schedule.
Data for all the respondents were aggregated manually first using a Data Master Sheet soon after interviews, and was later analysed using a Statistical Package for Social Scientists to come up with Frequency tables, Pie-Charts and Cross-Tabulations which were used to determine special relationships between variables.
The findings have shown that 54% of the respondents were youths who were married (76%) and 68% had 1-3 children. Sixty-six (66%) had attained primary education and all were Christians.
The results revealed that majority (92%) of the respondents preferred to deliver at the health Centre though most (60%) of the respondents delivered from home. The findings also revealed that all (100%) the respondents said that the attitude of skilled staff was positive, though majority (68%) preferred a female Nurse/Midwife as a delivery assistant at the Health Centre.
All (100%) the respondents agreed that health talks were given on every antenatal day and majority (52%) expressed high knowledge level of delivery complications, though they all (100%) exhibited a low knowledge level on topics given during health talks.
Childbirth at home --Zambia. , Delivery --Methods --Zambia.