A study to determine the knowledge and attitude of parents/guardians towards te mentally retarded children: A case for chainama day centre and F-ward.

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Chirwa, Esther.
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The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude of parents/guardians towards the mentally retarded children. The study was conducted at Chainama Hills Hospital. A descriptive, explorative and non-experimental research design was used because it involved the identification of the Independent Variables affecting the knowledge and attitude of parents/guardians towards the mentally retarded children, to gain insight into the situation/phenomena and didn't not require manipulation of subjects. The data for the study was collected in August 2000. A sample of (50) respondents both males and females from different ethnic origin, religion, educational level and of different socio-eonomic status were drawn from the attendance register containing names of mentally retarded children admitted or discharged from F-Ward and those attending or had stopped attending Chainama Day Care. Literature review was based on studies done globally, regionally and within the country Zambia. Literature was also obtained from books, newspapers, and magazines, which were relevant to the topic.
Children with mental disabilities. , Parent and child.