An investigation into factors that motivate teachers in special education classes: A case of Lusaka Urban District
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Sakubita, Chakale Claire
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The study was undertaken to investigate factors motivating teachers in special education classes. The sample population of the study composed of 13 teachers, and 10 girls in special education schools. The study targeted three classes and these were the University of Zambia Demonstration class, Munali and Chainama. The research had the following objectives:
a)Investigate factors that motivated teachers in special education classes;
b)To establish academic and professional qualifications of the teachers in special education classes;
c)To determine the attitude of disabled children towards learning;
d)To investigate the attitude of teachers towards the disabled children;
e)To examine the learning/teaching environment for the children;
f)To establish the enrollment levels; and
g)To establish the working conditions for special education teachers.
A descriptive research design was used and a simple random sampling procedure was used to pick a sample of 23. Questionnaires consisting of both closed and open-ended questions were used. Some structured interviews were used as a technique for collecting primary data. The data collected was analysed manually both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The study discovered that teachers in special education classes were demotivated. Lack of teaching and learning materials, lack of accommodation, lack of transport and high enrollment levels had negatively affected special education teachers.The study also revealed that despite most of the teachers serving for more than 20 years, they were still serving as class teachers. This showed lack of recognition on the part of the employer. The issue of integration was quite prominent during research. It was revealed that children who were supposed to be in special education classes were integrated with normal children, thereby making it very difficult for teachers to operate effectively.In general, the study concluded that the working conditions for special education teachers were poor.
Teacher Motivation