An investigation into the high drop-out rates in evening class programmes for Kabwe Urban District from 1988 to 1991.: What are the causes and remedies applicable to high drop out rates

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Nguni, Dennis Chola
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This study was an investigation into the high drop out rates in the evening class programme and to determine their causes and remedies in Kabwe Urban District from 1988 to 1991. The investigation of any programme was important to determine whether or not it was achieving its objectives. This investigation showed that the programme objectives were not fully achieved due to lack of learning and teaching materials, shortage of trained teachers, lack of funds and poor students attitudes towards evening class programmes.In ordr to achieve the objectives in the evening class programmes, it is recommended that those responsible for institution administration and supervisors for evening class programmes in kabwe urban district review their efforts according to the findings and recommendations made by the study
Drop outs-Kabwe, Zambia , Childwelfare-Zambia , Children-Zambia-Social Conditions