Teachers' awareness of the Ministry of Education HIV/AIDS workplace policy:A Case study of some selected high schools in Southern and Eastern Provinces
Chipemba, Marian Mpongosa
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This study was set to find out teachers' awareness of the HIV/AIDS workplace
policy. It was conducted in four schools in Southern province, Kalomo and Monze
High schools designated as urban, Kabanga and Macha High schools designated as
rural and in Eastern province, Ndake and Petauke High Schools designated as rural
and urban respectively.
The data was collected using Questionnaires for the teachers and face to face
interviews for the headteachers and DEBs. A sample of 90 teachers was selected
for the study of which 68 responded favourably. Six headteachers and three
District Education Board Secretaries (DEBS) were selected for the in-depth
interviews.The findings revealed that MoE had made considerable efforts in disseminating the contents of the policy to teachers in both urban and rural schools. Most teachers were aware of the policy and its provisions, although some especially those in rural areas were not.Further results revealed that since the inception of the policy, deaths among
teachers due to HIV-related illnesses had reduced tremendously and that
headteachers had taken a proactive role in giving care and support to infected
teachers who had made some disclosure.
On the other hand behaviour change was reported by some teachers who disclosed
that they had gone for Voluntary Counselling and Testing.However, it was learnt the issue of stigma prevented others from coming out in the open to disclose their status. This resulted in them getting little support from their schools as the'ir privacy was respected.
All-in-all the steps taken by MoE in coming up with the policy in 2004 are bearing
fruits although there lies a big challenge in the implementation process which most
teachers during the study expressed disappointment with. It was hoped that more
awareness would be raised on the contents of the policy which might further
reduce HIV-related illnesses and deaths and thereby increase the teacher-pupil
ratio and productivity in schools.
For sure teachers were a key and valuable resource in the education sector thus
Government cannot afford to continue losing them after their training at great cost.