Parental attitudes towards initiation Schools: The case of Nkolola in Choma District of Southern Province

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Wina, Kennedy
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The purpose of the study was to establish parental attitudes towards Nkolola initiation school system in Choma district of Southern Province. The objectives of the study were to: investigate parental attitudes towards Nkolola education; examine pupils’ views concerning their parents’ attitudes towards Nkolola education; establish the value of Nkolola as an initiation school, and determine how the positive values of Nkolola as an initiation school could be taught to learners. The study was a descriptive case study. The descriptive approach was preferred by the researcher because the study involved attitudes which are not easy to quantify. The target population for the study comprised parents and pupils in some selected secondary schools of Choma district. A sample of 60 respondents was selected. It consisted of forty (40) parents and twenty (20) pupils. The study was guided by the ‘Comparative Perspective Theory’ which explains change in attitudes as a result of rational thinking. Another theory which guided the study was the ‘Modern Evolution Theory’ which explains social change as a result of society’s level of technology and economic development. Data was collected using structured interviews and questionnaires. Interviews were held with parents while questionnaires were administered to pupils. The study largely used the qualitative research paradigm. Data analysis was done qualitatively by categorization and coding of themes. Quantitative data was presented in percentages and frequency tables using a scientific calculator. The findings of the study revealed that parental attitudes towards Nkolola School were affected by modernity and urbanization, religious affiliation, cultural and traditional beliefs, location and educational background. From the responses and views of respondents, it was discovered that the Nkolola school system played an influential role in teaching initiates issues to do with morality, human relations, family values and sexuality, which were largely absent in the modern Zambian school system.The study recommended that: The Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs and traditional authorities should sensitise communities in Choma on the important values transmitted by the Nkolola education system; the custodians of the Nkolola school should revisit the Nkolola school curriculum by taking on board the needs of modern times and doing away with aspects of Nkolola that had a negative impact on girls and women; the Ministry of Health should give Nkolola Instructors tips on how to provide effective counseling on the dangers of pre-marital sex; the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education should consider incorporating some important aspects of Nkolola education into its school curricula and also seriously implement the localized school curriculum with the participation of the local people.
Initiation Schools , Community Schools-Zambia , Self help Schools-Zambia