Implementation process of women empowerment programmes: The case study of selected women groups in Monze District in Zambia

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Mooka, Felistus Mubukwanu
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The purpose of the study was to analyse the implementation process of the Women Empowerment Programmes (WEP) among selected Women Groups in Monze District of Zambia. This study adopted a case study design and both qualitative and quantitative data was collected. The sample size was 150 respondents. The data was collected using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), interview guides, semi structured interviews and document analysis. Quantitative data was analysed through thematic analysis and quantitative data on the other hand was analysed by coding and arranging the data in tables. The findings of the study indicated that most women groups were engaged in small scale Income Generating Activities (IGAs) because of the perceived benefits. The study further revealed that group method was the commonly used method as opposed to the individual method. However, depending of the situation facilitators sometimes mixed different methods. Regarding factors that influence the implementation of WEP, the study established the following: timing, poor funding, government policy, location and feasibility of the project. These factors affect the programme either positively or negatively. The study also established several factors that may influence the management of Women Groups, with poor funding being the major one. Therefore, the study recommended that the government should improve funding for the WEP, the Department of Community Development should decentralize the WEP, The Department of Community Development should consider conducting periodic needs assessment so as to enhance the effectiveness of the programme and the Department of Community Development should re-look at the procedures and systems that govern the WEP. In conclusion, most Women Groups are involved in small scale IGAs but lack leadership skills. This could be due to the fact that the programme is not well organized and that there is poor training provided to both the participants and the facilitators of the programme. Therefore, it is desirable that appropriate training be designed and provided to the Women Groups. Suffice to mention that the implementation process of WEP is a complex activity and that it requires sufficient resources in order to reduce poverty levels among women.
Women Economic Activity-Zambia , Women Rights , Women Empowerment