Qualities of an effective Teacher as perceived by Grade 12 pupils and teachers in selected Secondary Schools in Lusaka

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Kayungwa, Lalah Josiahs
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Despite numerous research studies carried out elsewhere, it is still not known what qualities an effective teacher should have. When asked what qualities constitute an effective teacher, most learners and teachers do not agree on their ratings. Therefore, this study tried to answer the question, "What are the pupils' and teachers' perceptions of an effective teacher?" The following were the research sub-questions: (1) What conditions do pupils and teachers perceive to influence effective teaching? (2) What characteristics do pupils and teachers perceive to be essential for an effective teacher? (3) What classroom activities do pupils and teachers perceive valuable for effective teaching? The methodology that was employed was a combination of both the qualitative and quantitative research designs. Questionnaires were used in addition to interviews and focused group discussions. The population comprised Grade 12 pupils and teachers. Teachers' perceptions were used because they are major agents in educational delivery. A total random sample of 90 pupils and 40 teachers was selected. Quantitative data were analysed as percentages manually. The percentages were compared to determine effectiveness. Qualitative data were coded into categories (themes) which were used to answer the research questions. In terms of teacher traits, both the pupils and teachers said an effective teacher was one who encouraged pupils. In terms of classroom behaviour, both the pupils and teachers chose preparation for lessons as the most important classroom behaviour an effective teacher should depict. From the teachers' interviews, on traits, teachers chose one who was knowledgeable but the girls preferred one who was approachable, while the boys preferred one who was kind and loving. On classroom behaviour, teachers said an effective teacher was one who prepared for lessons, female students preferred one who explained clearly while male students preferred one who presented information in an interesting manner.
Teachers -- Zambia , Teacher-student relationship , Interaction analysis in education