Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Kazinva Rural Health centre in Providing reproductive Health Information to women of Chikondano Settlement in Lusaka west

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Nyangu, Masautso S.
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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Kazinva Rural Health Center, in the provision of Reproductive Health information to the women of Chikondano settlement in Lusaka west. Its objectives were to determine women's knowledge on reproductive health, to establish women's awareness of the existence of reproductive health information at Kazinva, to find out the different methods being used by the Clinic to disseminate reproductive health information, to investigate the attitude of women towards reproductive health information and also to establish the factors leading to the reproductive health problems in Chikondano settlement. The research methodology used is a non experimental design, which is a methodology used when a research is carried out in an uncontrolled and natural setting. The study was descriptive, meaning it involved a systematic collection and presentation of data to give a clear picture of a particular situation. The sampling method used in selecting the study sample or the respondents was the Simple Random Sampling method and the sample size of 40 households was randomly picked from the total population of about 400 households in the settlement. An interview method type of data collection was used for data collection, since the population in consideration is semi or illiterate and due to the fact that the topic under study is very sensitive.The key findings of this research were that most of the women do not know what reproductive health is all about. It was also discovered that despite the fact that most of these women knows that Kazinva health center provides reproductive health information a good number of them do not use it to access RHI. According to the findings, most of these women use family and friends as well as the media and press as their source of reproductive health information. The study revealed that drama groups and peer educators are the most effective media in the dissemination of reproductive health information but unfortunately clinic talks were discovered to be the most used mode of RHI dissemination. It was also found out that these talks takes long and that most of the women felt that the information being provided by the center is not adequate. From these findings it was concluded that Kazinva health center is not effective in their provision of reproductive health information to the people of Chikondano and there is need for them to improve, thus it was recommended that the provision of reproductive health information be extended to males so that they can be at par with females when making reproductive health decisions, that a bigger structure be built to be able to meet the demand. The presenters of health talks should make their presentation short and interesting, should increase the number of peer educators so that they can reach out to every corner of the community, the Government of Zambia should employ more health workers at Kazinva health center so that the provision of information can be effective by alternating the health workers. The Peer educators who go round in the area should be working together with the drama group in the community so that they can enhance education and entertainment.
Information Services--Human Reproduction--Zambia