The Zambian Web-based Vehicle Trade and Inventory Management System
Choongo, Wilson Mulomba
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The purpose of this project is to come up with a platform where buyers are able to meet sellers and trade specifically in vehicles both commercial and domestic. This will be in a form of a web-based management information system.This will be a website where people can buy and sell things like bikes, cars and commercial vehicles. An efficient search facility will be provided to visitors to find things of their interest quickly. There will be a content management system (CMS) designed for the administrators) of the website. This will ease on the work of administrators on maintaining the site content. The system will further more create a timely access to potential sales of vehicles, creating marketing strategies for vehicles sales and provide an advertising platform for vehicles.The vehicle trade and inventory management information system to be developed in this project will offer functionalities to quick access to buyers from various parts of the country in Zambia .It will enable monitoring of the results and performance of the buying and selling activity in the country .This information can then be used to control trade in the country so that relevant and measurable objectives can be checked by necessary authorities.
Web-based Inventory Management System , Zambian Web-based VehicleTrade Inventory System