The factors affecting the effectiveness of the Electoral Commission of Zambia(ECZ)management of electoral process(1996-2012)
Hibajene, Rex
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The University of Zambia
This dissertation examined the factors which affected the effectiveness of the Electoral
Commission of Zambia (ECZ)’s management of the electoral process from 1996 to 2012. This
study stems from the conditions and consequences of an effective electoral process in a liberal
democratic country. Since its establishment in 1996 to 2012, the ECZ’s main objective has been
to deliver a credible electoral process by effectively performing its core functions (ECZ,2014).
However, some electoral stakeholders have argued that the ECZ has not been adequate in
delivering free and fair elections, and other electoral related activities.
The general objective of the study was to identify and examine factors which affected the
effectiveness of the ECZ in performing its core functions. The specific objectives of the study
were to identify and examine: (a) factors which affected the effectiveness of the ECZ in
management of the registration of voters exercise. (b) factors which affected the effectiveness of
the ECZ in management of Presidential, Parliamentary and local government elections. (c)
factors which affected the effectiveness of the ECZ in enforcement of the electoral code of
conduct. In order to achieve these objectives, the study used a descriptive and explanatory
research design. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. Data was
analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
The study found that the ECZ was ineffective in its management of the electoral process and its
core functions. Inadequate funding, Inadequate logistical planning and arrangements affected
effective management of elections. The 1996 and 2001 elections were poorly managed by ECZ.
The study found that both the key informants and the electorate were of the view that the
registration of voters in Zambia has been fraught with problems, these included inadequate
materials and manpower, lack of adequate funding. Enforcing the electoral (code of conduct)
regulations was poorly done in that the ECZ officials lack impartiality and too much abuse of
public resources by stakeholders with impunity. The study also found that the ECZ had made a
lot of efforts such as seeking for donor funding and computerization of registration of voters and
voting process in trying to see to it that the Commission effectively managed the electoral
process with help from donors such as the UNDP through the Zambian government.
Voting-Zambia , Electoral Commission of Zambia , Zambia-Politics and Government-1996-2012