Nurseries and Pre-Schools'Curriculum Approprateness in Zambia-A case of selected Schools of Chongwe and Lusaka Districts/Elina,Nalwimba
Nalwimba, Elina
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinds of curricula being followed
by nurseries and pre- schools in Zambia; and to establish the appropriateness of
such curricula. The survey design was used, coupled with quantitative and
qualitative methods. A sample total number of 250 respondents was selected from
80 nurseries and pre-schools in Chongwe and Lusaka Districts.
Data was collected using questionnaires and semi- structured interviews.
Quantitative data collected was analysed using the statistical package for social
science (spss) while data from interviews was coded and grouped into similar
things using the constant comparative method. Tables were used in presentation
of data.
The findings of the study revealed that nurseries/ pre-schools used various kinds
of curricula. The study also revealed that the curricula were got from different
places. The study revealed that it was as a result of getting various curricula from
different places that had led the ECE fraternity to experiencing lack of standards
needed to suit different levels of children. The results revealed that the Zambian
government had failed the ECE fraternity in terms of failure to provide the ECE
sector with the common and age appropriate curriculum.
One of the other findings of this study was that most of the teachers, headteachers
and Ministry of Education (MOE) officials (respondents) complained that the
curricula in use were not appropriate. It was revealed that lack of the nurseries/
pre- schools' appropriateness of the curricula, to a greater extent, was influenced by lack of nurseries/ pre-schools' common and appropriate curriculum.
In view of the research findings, it was recommended that there be an urgent need
for the Curriculum Development Centre (MOE) to come up with a common,
national and age appropriate nurseries/ pre- schools' curriculum for Zambia.
Further, recommended that there was need for a clear policy on ECE.
Nursury Schools-Zambia , Pre-Schools -Zambia