To what extent do Headteachers motivate teachers to teach efficiently: A case of selected secondary schools in Ndola Urban District

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Situmbeko, Mercy Nyambe
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University of Zambia
This study was conducted to examine the extent to what the Head Teachers motivated teachers to teach effectively in Ndoia Urban District in Copper belt Province.30 teachers were randomly selected from the research site through random sampling procedure and 3 Head Teachers were selected through purposive sampling All together the sample consisted of 33 participants. Qualitative research design was used. Qualitative data was collected through Focus Group Discussion guide and interview guide in order to get information on the extent to what the Head Teachers motivated teachers to teach effectively. Data was analysed thematically. On the strategies the Head Teachers use to motivate teachers to teach effectively, the study brought to light that Head Teachers did not provide the necessary teaching and learning materials that teachers needed and rarely involved them in decision making. Regarding personal factors and School factors for motivation, the findings showed that Head Teachers rarely supervised the teachers due to their busy schedules and did not provide the teachers with enabling environment for them to teach effectively. From the above findings the following recommendations were made: The school environment should be made conducive enough for teachers, more importantly school management should ensure that teachers are motivated through incentives and rewards especially those whose learners perform better in the subjects they teach. Head Teachers should conduct class supervision regularly. Lastly, the Ministry of General Education should involve the teachers in formulation of educational policies.
Master of Education in Educational Management
Motivation in education -- Zambia , Teacher morale , School management and organisation