The role of Traditional Leaders in Land Disputes in Zambia: A case study of Chongwe District

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Malambo, Morgan
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University of Zambia
Non availability and well defined guidelines and roles of traditional leaders in the present day administration of traditional land as compared to their roles in managing land boundaries in the pre-colonial era is accounting mainly for the decades of social conflicts that are manifesting in our social - economic and political circuit. This development does not only render traditional leaders and their institutions irrelevant, but also creates threats to peace, security and stability in the nation because traditional land constitute the biggest percentage of land in Zambia. In as far as the Zambian Government is concerned, land is a very important factor of production as it provides a basis for the development of the nation. There can be no meaningful development without an efficient and effective Land Administration System. It is for this reason that Government has attached great importance on land as being at the very centre stage of all economic development activity. In order to enhance national development, land should be made available for different economic ventures, which include Agriculture, Industry, Commercial Activities, Human Settlement and other uses. In this regard, all economic activities should be supported by an effective and efficient Land Administration System, which ensures equity, in the acquisition and sustainable utilisation of land and there-by avoiding possible disputes that may arise over land in Zambia as indeed is the case in the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Master of Science in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution
Authority (traditional)--Zambia , Land tenure—Zambia