An investigation of the benefits from the transformation of a co-education secondary school to a single sex secondary school: a case of Katete secondary school
Zulu, Saulos
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University of Zambia
The study investigated the benefits from the transformation of a co-education school to a single sex school with reference to Katete Secondary School. The study investigated the benefits of running a co-education school, the benefits of running a single sex school, the reasons for the transformation and the challenges faced in running the school as a single sex school.
A case study was used which involved application of qualitative methods. A sample of 56 participants was drawn from the school, the community, the church and the Ministry of General Education (MoGE). It comprised 10 current pupils, 06 former co-education pupils, 10 current teachers, 06 former teachers who taught at the school when it was co-education, 20 community members, 02 church officials and 02 MoGE officials. The data was collected using interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and through questionnaires. The questionnaire guide was administered to MoGE officials and the former teachers, while interview guides were used to collect information from current pupils, current teachers and administrators. The data was analysed thematically as it was a qualitative research.
The study revealed the views of all the participants who took part in this study. The former co-education pupils and teachers supported the creation of a single sex school with the suggestions that boys should be considered so as to promote equal access to education in the community i|id district as a whole. Some community members argued that the school was the only bigger boarding school in the district which should have been left for historical purposes but instead propose for the construction of an independent single sex school in the district. In concluding the study, a recommendation has been made to the effect that a new school for boys has to be constructed in Katete District order to alleviate the challenge that the community around and the district is facing when it comes to the boy child having access to boarding school.
Master of Education in Educational Management
Single sex schools--Zambia , Co-education-- Zambia