School and home factors contributing to poor academic performance among female secondary school pupils in Lusaka: The views of teachers,pupils and parents
Likando, Sumbwanyambe
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University of Zambia
This study aimed at establishing school and home factors contributing to poor academic performance among female secondary school pupils of Lusaka District in Zambia. The objectives were to: Find out the views of teachers, pupils and parents on school and home factors leading to poor academic performance among female pupils in three girls only government secondary schools; identify academic interventions put in place in homes to enhance female pupil academic performance; and establish the academic policies in three girls only secondary schools that enhance academic performance. A descriptive research design under qualitative approach was used to conduct this study. The study sample was 54, comprising: 15 teachers, 24 pupils and 15 parents. Data was collected through interview guides, naturalistic observation schedules and Focus Group Discussions guide and analyzed using thematic analysis.
The study findings revealed both school and home factors to have negatively affected the female pupil academic performance. School factors included: lack of library facilities in schools, inadequate teaching and learning materials as well as teacher and pupil absenteeism. The home factors included: abuse of gadgets like phones and internet facilities, peer pressure, lack of electricity and inadequate money to purchase candles for lighting purpose. In terms of academic policies, the study revealed the following: the homework policy, absenteeism policy, open day policy, and repeat a grade policy, guardian collection of report cards, price giving policy and continuous professional development meetings policy. As regards home academic interventions, the study revealed the following: control of pupils play and television time, offering scaffolding and counseling to pupils, purchasing school materials as well as parents checking and signing pupils’ note books.
Bordering on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: The government through the MoGE should ensure that all girls’ government secondary schools are well funded in order for them to have well stocked library facilities and adequate teaching and learning materials. The MoGE should also use PTA meetings to encourage parents to take kin interest in their children’s school work by keeping check on their notes as well as homework; this will stimulate pupils’ internal motivation to work hard.
Key words: School, Academic performance, MoGE, Quality education and Factors
Academic performance