Patterns of Job selection and career guidance: A study of Form V. leavers in Zambia
Wood, P.J
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The question is raised as to whether a Form V qualification is any longer a guarantee of entry into elitist society or whether, as has "been the case with the Grade VII,
supply is outstripping demand. The last few years have seen a large increase in the number of Form V leavers. An account is given of the changes in supply of Form V leavers and the system which deals with careers advice and the placement of Form V leavers. Some of the problems arising
from these changes are discussed and mention is made of the methods chosen for discussing these in the main body of the
This section is "based mainly on data obtained from a questionnaire sent to Careers Masters, and from interviews
with a sample of personnel officers from industry and their equivalents in institutions of tertiary education.
Chapter I.
This chapter is concerned with the relationship between the Careers Masters and the Ministry of Education. The following is invloved:-
1. Main characteristics of Careers Masters.
2. The extent to which Careers Masters are aware of the changes which have taken place in the system controlling careers guidance and the part the Ministry of Education plays in this.
3. The extent to which Careers Masters are satisfied with the service they receive from the Ministry of Education.
Chapters II and III
Similarly, as in the previous chapter, but now in relation to the Ministry of Labour, this part discusses whether Careers
Masters are aware of what service they should expect from this Ministry and whether they are satisfied with it. The Ministry of Labour is a central clearing house collecting information from the school on individual Form V leavers and
passing this on to industry and institutions of tertiary education. An attempt was made to ascertain how far
Careers Masters thought it desirable that this should obviate any direct contact between them and industry and tertiary education, and how far this was in fact the case.A comparison was made between those institutions using the Central Agency and the validation of these procedures.
Chapter IV.
A comparison is made between what the Careers Masters consider their priorities and what they believe they are forced to spend most of their time on. There is some discussion on the extent to which recent changes have been helpful for the Careers Masters.
This section is concerned with the pattern of career choice and how it compares with eventual employment. The main source of data was from the University of Zambia
TRACER Project, the First and Second National Development Plans and a questionnaire sent to a sample of Form V
Chapter V.
There is an analysis of some of the sociological factors which might affect career choice. They were the prestige of
various jobs (here was discussed how far ideas, in other countries, of what was prestigious affected Zambians), the
education of the parents and the extent to which the Form V leaver had an urban or rural background.
Chapter VI.
The expectations of Form V leavers were compared with their eventual employment and the openings available for them. The extent to which these did not relate was discussed.
Projections were made as to future supply and demand for Form V leavers.In concluding, the dissertation returns to the
original question as to what the proper expectations of the present day Form V leaver were. Certain recommendations
were made concerning the systems responsible for career guidance, training and employment of Form V leavers.
Vocational Guidance , Guidance, Students , Occupational choice , Career counselling