The epidemiology of liver disease as we celebrate world liver day

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Mazyanga, M. L.
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Medical Journal of Zambia
Exactly a year after the official launch of ZThe Health Press –Zambia (THP – Z) THP- extends its heartiest congratulations to the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the occasion of the Organisation’s 70th Anniversary for the many meaningful successful years of its existence. Every year on 7th April the WHO takes time to create awareness on issues of international public health concern. In the last 7 decades, the WHO has made efforts in spearheading eradication or elimination of specific diseases; Small pox is history now, others such as polio, measles, rubella, neonatal tetanus, Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis are some among many others targeted for either eradication or elimination. One of the founding principles of the world Health organisation is “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” The 2018 theme “Universal health coverage (UHC): everyone, everywhere” stands on this principle. According to the WHO more than half the world’s population does not receive the essential health services they need
An Editorial of the Health Press Zambia Bull. - The official launch of ZThe Health Press –Zambia (THP – Z) THP-
Liver Disease--Zambia , Liver Dysfunction--Zambia
Mazyanga, M. L. (2018). The epidemiology of liver disease as we celebrate world liver day. Health Press Zambia Bull. 2, (4); pp 1-3