An Infection Prevention Manual For Community And Health Care Institutions In Developing Countries
Chanda, D.O.
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University of Zambia, Medical Library
This Manual on Infection Prevention is based on the principles and policies of Infection Prevention. It is the first Manual to be written on this subject in Zambia. It constitutes years of hard work and dedication to duty by the author. This manual is very informative and will be beneficial to all those involved in patient care in Zambia and especially to those venturing into the Infection Prevention Field. Most developing countries will find this manual very useful also. Unfortunately some of the principles and practices recommended in the manual have not been impl6mented due to financial constraints that the country currently faces international exposure of the contents of this manual might motivate our co-operating partners to support projects related to Infection Prevention at the University Teaching Hospital and the Health Care System in Zambia. This would help in implementing all the recommendations in the manual.
An Infection Prevention Programme is important due to its cost - effectiveness as has been illustrated in this manual. Hospital acquired infections cause clients to stay unnecessarily longer days in health care institutions. This leads to increased expenditures on the client, hospital and the country. Infection Prevention prevents this as well as raise the quality of client-care. This manual has come at an opportune time when the Government's health policy focuses on Quality Assurance and Infection Prevention programmes in the Health Care System. It is with earnest hope that many health care providers and people, wishing to increase their health knowledge and therefore participate actively in their health care, will access this manual.
The manual targets all health care providers venturing into the Infection Prevention Programme primarily as well as all the policy-makers. Community Health Nurses will find this manual very useful as well as the general public who will be empowered with the knowledge they will acquire by reading this manual.
Cross Infection--- Zambia , Health Care Associated Infection , Prevention---Zambia , Manual Infection Prevention---Zambia , Hospital Infections---Zambia , Health Care Associated Infections, Community---Zambia , Community ,Health Care, infection prevention---Zambia
Chanda, D.O. (2004). An Infection Prevention Manual For Community And Health Care Institutions In Developing Countries. Maiden Publishing House:Lusaka