The role of records and archives in resolving chiefdom wrangles: case study of the National Archives of Zambia.

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Mulauzi, Felesia
Mwale-Munsanje, Velenasi
Mtanga, Naomy
Hamooya, Chrispin
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Standing Conference for Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Association (SCECSAL)
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of records and archives in resolving chiefdom wrangles at the National Archives of Zambia. The study employed qualitative methods. Data was collected through document study and interviews of staff at the institution. The findings are reported and include the kinds of records and archives available on chiefdom boundaries and inheritance, consultation of these records and archives, the extent to which they resolve chiefdom boundary wrangles, security of these records and archives and the challenges faced in accessing these records and archives. The paper concludes by recommending for increased publicity of existing records and archives on chiefdom boundaries. Additionally, there is need for documentation and preservation of information on chiefdom boundaries where there is none to avoid information sink.
Records. , Archives. , Conflict management. , Conflict resolution. , Land wrangles. , National Archives of Zambia.