Implementing Cairo Observations On Zambia's Reproductive Health Related Challenges

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Kasolo, F.
kaluba-Milimo, D.
Amadi, B.
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Medial Journal of Zambia
The year 1994 proved to be a watershed in regard to international recognition of the need to address Population matters in a much more holistic manner, rather than taking a narrow demographic and a numbers orientation. The term Reproductive Health was coined to help address this subject and the majority of countries present at the Cairo Conference on Population and Development, despite much opposition from minority groups, clearly stated, among other things, that all segments of society, includjng men including the young, have a right to Reproductive Health and an important and legitimate role to play in achieving it. Also, for the first time abortion was recognized as a public health issue which deserved recognition as such, rather than simply condemning it as sinful and pushing it under the mat. The resulting Program of Action clearly states the parameters Of Reproductive Health and provides a useful framework and guide to countries trying to turn their health and public education services around to better street the reproductive health needs of both sexes and all ages. The following paper explore Various ways in which this is being understood and implemented by Zambia in the 2000s and provide an insight into what is being achieved and what challenges lie ahead.
International recognition of the need to address Population matters in a much more holistic manner, rather than taking a narrow demographic and a numbers orientation.
Reproductive Health Challenges, Zambia
Kasolo, F., kaluba-Milimo, D. and Amadi, B. Implementing Cairo Observations On Zambia's Reproductive Health Related Challenges. Medical Journal of Zambia. 3, (4)