Investigating aflatoxin contamination and knowledge levels in producing safe peanut butter among selected Lusaka urban processors
Banda, Samson Maureen
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The University of Zambia
Aflatoxin contamination is a major global public health problem especially in
developing countries. Its risk effect on human consumption of peanut butter has
posed a serious public health challenge by increasing morbidity and mortality in
human populations. In Zambia, local and international peanut butter is consumed by
the public. The objective of the study was to determine aflatoxin levels in peanut
butter and factors associated with its quality production in selected urban district
outlets. The study also assessed the knowledge level and practice of producing
peanut butter among local processors. This study compared aflatoxin levels in peanut
butter between local and international products. A cross sectional comparative study
survey used quantitative and qualitative approaches from selected outlets of Lusaka,
Zambia. Samples from plants, commercial stores and Soweto market of Lusaka
provided the data to answer the objective. A total of 109 peanut butter samples from
local and international sources were collected. Samples were tested for aflatoxin
contamination levels using AccuScan Reveal Q+ test in seeking to answer the
hypothesis whether there was a difference in levels of aflatoxin between local and
international peanut butter based on set standards. Besides clinical assessment of
aflatoxin levels, 16 key informants were interviewed using an semi structured
questionnaire guided to assess the level of knowledge about aflatoxin contamination,
health risks and production skills as they processed peanut butter. The findings show
that only 9 (8.3%) of the 109 (100%) peanut butter samples satisfied the 0 to 4ppb
European set standard as safe for public consumption regardless of its origin. It was
found that 100 (91.7%) samples of peanut butter from both local and international
origin were contaminated with aflatoxin. Using the European standard, there was no
sufficient evidence that the level of contamination was different between local and
international peanut butter, P-value 0.0768. However, using the 15ppb standard, 83
(76.1%) samples from both local and international origin were safe for consumption
based on the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) standard. There was a marked
difference in proportions, between compared products had a p-value of less than
0.00001. Nevertheless, there was aflatoxin contamination of above 15ppb in a total
of 26 (23.9%) samples of which 25 (22.9%) were locally produced and one (0.9%)
was internationally produced. These samples were not safe for human ingestion.
Generally, processors seemed to have little knowledge of aflatoxin contamination
and health risk. The steps of producing peanut butter were largely similar between
plants and Soweto in first stages, and dissimilar in the last steps. It is recommended
that government regulations be strengthened to aid processors provide quality peanut
butter on the market. In order to produce peanut butter with low aflatoxin levels,
there is a needto come up with a standard to follow. Further research is
recommended on how to assess and improve the quality of peanut butter production
as well as increasing awareness to the public about the dangers of aflatoxin
Aflatoxins--Zambia , Aflatoxin--Peanut butter levels--Zambia