Understanding e-government opportunities and challenges in developing countries. a case of Zambia
Chipeta, Joseph
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University of Zambia
The adoption of e-government in developing countries has the potential to promote Open Government Data (OGD). OGD is a very critical component for good governance. This is because it encourages transparency, accountability, openness, trust, efficiency and participation. E-government is more than having a government website on the internet; it is an integrated approach that places citizens at the center of government business. The objectives of this research were to investigate e-government development in developing countries specifically in ministries and local authorities in Zambia and to analyze their readiness to sustain e-services. Also to critically review different e-government development frameworks and models as proposed by different researchers and based on literature review and conceptual analysis, evaluate the challenges and opportunities. To achieve the objectives, the study adopted the United Nation E-government Development Index (EGDI) to benchmark e-government adoption in development countries particularly in Zambia. The EGDI is used to measure e-government trends in the world using three key indicators: Telecommunication Infrastructure, Online Services and Human Capital. However, from the summary of the research findings, it was established that there are 29% opportunities and 71% challenges for ministries and local authorities to deploy e-services. Very little research has been undertaken on e-government in Zambia, the available information is too general and does not address specific areas as highlighted by the EGDI. These existing gaps are what have made this study very unique and relevant, it will provide basic guidelines and models to guides the deployment of e-government and it will act as a reference point for policy makers and managers of ICT for planning and evidence based decisions.
Open government Data , E-Government--Zambia