Divination in a changing society: the case of North Western province of Zambia: religion and development in Southern and Central Africa, Vol II.
Muzata, Kenneth Kapalu
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Mzuni Press
This study established the role of divination in a changing society. Zambia since pre-colonial rule has seen changes in so many sectors including education, health and the legal systems. The study, ascertained the significance different communities in the province attached to divination and what factors influenced the choice to divine. It further established the nature of treatment accused persons were exposed to after divination and what alternatives the accused sort to defend their rights. Three Hundred and fifty one questionnaires were answered by respondents of North Western Province of Zambia. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The results showed that divination was still prevalent in the province but somewhat secretive. People mainly consulted diviners because hospitals or clinics failed to cure a disease, stop death, overcome barrenness and impotence among other reasons. People accused of being witches as a result of divination were mistreated in various ways which violated their rights to life, own property and live in places of their choice. The study further revealed a relationship between education, religion, geographical location and the practice of divination. Among the major recommendations are provision of necessary social services such as health care, eradication of poverty, education, legal services, and enforcement of the law and sensitization of local communities on human rights. Above all, the school curriculum should be at the center of addressing the core issues recommended here in.
Divination. , Human rights. , Withcraft. , Religion. , Witchcraft--North Western province, Zambia.
Muzata, K.K. (2019). Divination in a Changing Society: The Case of North Western Province of Zambia. IN Amanze, Masango, Chitando & Siwila (eds). Religion and Development in Southern and Central Africa, Vol II, Lilongwe: Mzuni Press, PP 400-418.