The role of religious education in the promotion of civic, moral and spiritual values among learners in selected secondary schools in Lusaka city
Milingo, Christine Kamai Chiliumbu
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The University of Zambia
The role of RE in the promotion of civic, moral and spiritual values among secondary school learners in Lusaka and ascertain whether the values promoted by the three Zambian secondary school syllabuses were in line with the attainment of the aims of modern RE. The research objectives were to: to evaluate the role of RE in the promotion of civic, moral and spiritual values among learners; to establish the moral and civic values taught in secondary school RE; to establish the spiritual values found in the secondary RE syllabus. The research design used in this study was a Descriptive design which used the qualitative approach in order to address the problems raised by the research questions. The methods of data collection included in-depth semi structured interviews, document analysis guide and focus group discussion guide. The target population consisted of nine (9) RE teachers, thirty (30) learners in the selected schools and one (1) RE Curriculum specialist from CDC. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The study established that RE is a highly influential subject in Secondary schools; which helps learners to be morally upright. It further helps them to understand ideas about governance and human rights and how to tolerate other Religions in Zambia. The study also established that civic, moral and spiritual values, were itemized in the syllabuses with explanation in teaching and learning materials. The values discussed in class work and learning materials are recognized as civic, moral and spiritual items by both learners and teachers. The findings also show that learners are exposed to more of Christianity than other religions. Based on the findings above, the study recommends that: RE should be revised as to make the subject more modern in content and materials especially in topics like Leisure and Success. A topic on Emotions should be introduced in the syllabus and religious passages should be explained in details. RE should be a compulsory subject regardless of career pathways.
Key Words: Civic Values, Moral Values and Spiritual Values
Religious education--Study and teaching--Zambia , Religious education