Role of guidance and counseling services in shaping behavior of students in selected public universities in Zambia
Tuchili, Abigail Mukuwa
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University of Zambia
The study sought to establish the role guidance and counselling services play in shaping behaviour of students in selected public universities in Zambia. The study objectives were to: establish whether students in public universities seek guidance and counselling services, explore how guidance and counselling services were used in the management of various disciplinary cases among students, examine the kinds of behaviours students benefit from accessing guidance and counselling services and examine how guidance and counselling services were used to address deviant behaviour by students in public universities.
Since this was a qualitative study intended to describe role of guidance and counselling services in shaping behaviour of students in selected public universities in Zambia, a descriptive survey design was used. The study population comprised all full time second and third year students in the three selected public universities in Zambia. The study used purposive sampling techniques to select the respondents. The sample comprised three Deans of Students’ Affairs, twelve counsellors and 90 students. In-depth interview guides and focus group discussion guides were used to collect data from the participants.
Results showed that the students who received guidance and counselling benefited by accessing the services. In addition, guidance and counselling shaped students’ behaviour by instilling discipline, managing disciplinary cases and promoting acceptable behaviours among students. The results from the study indicate that by accessing guidance and counselling students’ behaviours were positively shaped. The results revealed that disciplinary cases were managed through guidance and counselling.
Counsellors helped instil positive appropriate behaviour and management of stress among students through provision of Guidance and Counselling Services. Further the results from
the study indicated that the use of guidance and counselling services were effective in helping students avoid deviant behaviour.
On the basis of the findings, the study recommends that since guidance and counselling has potential to shape and enhance positive behaviour among students, it must be accessed by all students in public universities.
Key words: behaviour, discipline, guidance and counselling, management, shape.
Counselling--Zambia , Counselling in higher education--Zambia , Student affairs services--Zambia , Educational counselling--Zambia