Factors that promote gender inequalities in accessing agricultural credit in rural areas : a case study of the Kanakantapa resettlement scheme in Chongwe district.

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Sakabilo, Namatama
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The University of Zambia
A study entitled “Factors that Promote Gender Inequalities in Accessing Agricultural Credit in Rural Areas” was conducted in Kanakantapa Resettlement Scheme in Chongwe district of Zambia. The objectives of the study were: 1) To examine the level of participation of men and women in agriculture in Kanakantapa Resettlement Scheme; 2) To investigate whether there are agricultural credit facilities available to men and women in Kanakantapa Resettlement Scheme; and 3) To assess the factors that influence women and men’s access to agricultural credit in Kanakantapa Resettlement Scheme. A case study design approach was used to guide this study. A mixed method approach was used, thus encompassing qualitative and quantitative approaches. However, qualitative method was the main approach in this study. The mixed method approach was used for the purpose of enhancing the weaknesses of either qualitative or quantitative data with the intentions of enriching the study. A total sample size of 153 respondents and participants was involved. This mainly included farmers divided into 76 females and 77 males. 153 respondents were randomly selected to respond to semi-structured questionnaires, 16 participants, divided into eight females and eight males were purposively selected to take part in two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and two key informants were purposively selected to respond to in-depth interviews. These instruments were used to collect primary data in the field. The Register of farmers obtained from the District Agricultural Office was used as the sampling frame. The researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) quantitative software to analyse data. Qualitative data were analysed qualitatively using content analysis. The findings of the study indicate that there are no formal financial institutions offering credit in the area. The other finding was that women remained marginalised in the community due to factors including limited education, limited access to, and control over land; negative traditions, customs and attitudes prevalent in the area that are favourable for men and restrictive to women.
Rural women--Zambia--Lusaka. , Women in agriculture--Zambia. , Gender inequality--Agriculture--Zambia.