The effect of motivation on employee performance: a case of Natsave bank in northern province of Zambia
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Sampa, Aaron
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The University of Zambia
The study set out to investigate the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study had three objectives: To examine the motivation practices used in Natsave bank, to examine factors affecting employee performance in bank, and to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study used a transformative research design with mixed method analysis. To achieve the set objectives the study used purposive sampling in the selection of branches and convenience sampling in selecting the respondents. A sample size of 77 respondents was selected which comprised Northern Province of Zambia employees of Natsave bank. The study revealed that the bank carries out motivation of its employees in many ways including: Provision of wages and salaries, giving a sense of responsibility, promotion of consistently good workers and treating the workers equally. However, the study also revealed that the bank does not use motivation tools which include staff rotations, bonuses award and involvement of employees in decision making. The study further revealed that motivation is the major factor that affects employee performance. The study showed a significant positive relationship between employee motivation and the performance of Natsave bank. Conclusively, the researcher found out that motivation has a positive influence on employee performance and that if the management of Natsave bank strengthens their motivation practices, employees would perform more excellently, hence attaining organizational goals. In light of the findings, the research recommends that the management of Natsave Bank should review its pay package, fringe benefits and opportunities for growth to retain its workforce. Besides, rotation strategies should be formulated and be put in practice to encourage staff performance. Precisely, the study also recommended that all staff should be given bonuses if they meet the assigned targets, this will trigger significant results. Lastly, they should be involved in decision making which would ultimately bring sense of belongings and worthiness to the organization and spur performance.
Job satisfaction. , Performance standards. , Employee motivation. , Organizational behavior.