The effectiveness, implementation and challenges of decentralization of teacher deployment in Mazabuka district.
Hamuyuni, Immaculate
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the decentralization of teacher deployment in Mazabuka District. This study adopted the Discrepancy theory of teacher recruitment which postulates gaps between what was intended and what has actually happened and or other aspects of the programme which should be in agreement. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness, implementation and challenges of the decentralization of teacher deployment in Mazabuka District. The study used a qualitative research approach in which a descriptive survey research design was invoked. The findings of the study seem to suggest that the decentralization of teacher deployment is not fully implemented in Mazabuka district and a number of challenges have been noted because of the low level at which the policy has been implemented. Decentralization of teacher deployment in the district is done through scrutiny of the subject areas and schools that need teachers and creation of a Teacher Deployment Committee. To achieve the above, transparency and quality in the selection of teachers is central. The study also established that the District office faced some challenges in deploying teachers following the decentralization process such as lack of autonomy, poor capacity building and manipulation and external influence in the teacher deployment committee. Some of the suggested measures include; decentralization of teacher deployment to districts completely, capacity building to the teacher deployment committee should be given attention and Proper flow of information from the ministry of general education. The study recommends that Teaching Service Commission must give the DEBs authority to come up with the number of teachers to be deployed in the district according to crises in schools. The ministry must provide financial assistance to the district in order to allow the teacher deployment committee to meet more frequent in order to effectively implement the process.
Deployment (Strategy) , Elementary school teachers--Employment. , Elementary school teachers--Selection and appointment.