An assessment of head teacher’s management practices of the school feeding programme in selected primary schools of Lufwanyama district, Zambia.
Banda, Jessy
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The University of Zambia
The study aimed at assessment of Head teacher‟s management practices of the school Feeding Programme in Lufwanyama District, Zambia. The study objectives were; i. to examine heat teacher‟s management practices in the management of the school feeding programme in primary schools of Lufwanyama district, ii. Determine the patterns of enrolment in schools under study, iii. Find out the challenges in the management of school feeding programme in Lufwanyama district, and iv. Suggest strategies that can be employed to improve the management of the school feeding programme in Lufwanyama district. This study adopted a descriptive case study which will incorporate Semi-structures interview guide and document analysis. The total sample size was 6 comprising of 3 school feeding programme coordinators and 3 school administrators in 3 selected schools. The schools were selected using simple random sampling from zone 1. Purposive sampling was used to select the feeding programme coordinators and school administrators. The study used interview guide as the main research instrument alongside document analysis. Data was analyzed and presented in themes. The findings of the study revealed that head teachers used the following management practices in order to effectively run the school feeding programme included; formulation of school health and nutrition (SHEN) committees, Facilitation, Communication, Capacity building and delegation of responsibilities. In addition, the school feeding programme had resulted increased enrollments especially at grade one and reduction in absenteeism among the pupils. Various constraints were experienced in the management of school feeding programme among the notable one; inadequate funding, poor community participation in SHEN, Poor infrastructure, over enrolment and high prices of food staffs. Strategies suggested to improve the management of school feeding programme in Lufwanyama District included: improving funding and capacity building of teachers especially those part of the SHEN committee.
The results from the study entail that head teachers employ management practices variously to ensure smooth running of the school health and nutrition programme. However, need for improved funding of the school feeding programme to ensure consistent availability of adequate food in schools. In addition, school should be innovative by embracing agriculture based projects in order to enable school management to produce and access food and monetary resources to effectively manage and supplement school feeding programmes. School management should continue to mobilize community participants in the school feeding programme by education them about their roles and responsibilities for effective sustenance of the school feeding programme.
School feeding programme--Zambia.